The Truth About CBD Rates
CBD is fashionable and the market is still too little regulated. Some dishonest people guided by the desire to get rich and recover some additional market share do not hesitate to post implausible rates.
To fully understand the different possible rates contained in CBD flowers and resins, the THC/CBD ratio principle needs to be considered. A cannabis plant produces flowers with a ratio of 1/20 to 1/40. That is, when the THC level of the flower is 1% then CBD levels will be between 20% and 40%. This is a genetic issue, there is no exception to this rule.
As you know, in France, the maximum allowable THC level is 0.2%. To avoid the risk of exceeding this maximum rate, growers take a precautionary margin and produce flowers at a rate of 0.15%. Because in case of overtaking the flowers are considered astounding products, with all the problematic consequences you imagine...
So applying the simple calculation of the ratio, for a very high quality flower, grown under exceptional Indoor conditions:
1/40 i.e. 1% THC for 40% CBD
1/6.6 - 0.15
So for a THC level of 0.15%, the CBD level will be 6%
You understand that it is impossible to get a CBD rate of more than 8%!!
So why do some sellers certify rates above 8%?
Several hypotheses are possible:
1- Laboratory analyses are falsified. With some knowledge about photoshop software, it is very easy to modify the scan results. An outright scam that is a criminal offence.
2- SAMPLES of CBD flowers sent to the laboratory are sprayed with a soluble solution enriched with cannabidiol or sprinkled with solid crystals of pure CBD. Lab tests will display extraordinary rates but don't dream, your flowers won't benefit from such a rate because these processes are extremely expensive.
Or worse, you risk buying flowers sprayed with a cheap synthetic product, dangerous to your health.
3- THC levels are known
The risk is enormous for both the seller and the consumer. You think you own flowers legally but you actually own a staggering product.
You now know a little more about the reality of CBD rates and can easily spot scams and scams! Don't hesitate to share this article to inform consumers.
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